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Midwifery, Pregnancy & Birth :: Hydration


Recommended Daily Water Intake:
1st Trimester: 2 Quarts
2nd Trimester: 3 Quarts
3rd Trimester: 4 Quarts/ 1 Gallon


What You Need to Know about Water and Pregnancy

  • During pregnancy, drinking water is one of the most important ways in which you can protect your baby, because adequate hydration helps prevent premature labor... Water helps both you and your baby. Here's how:
  • Dehydration can trigger uterine contractions, which in turn can lead to premature birth.
  • The hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy make you more prone to urinary tract infections, which can also trigger premature labor. Drinking plenty of water guards against this potential complication.
  • During pregnancy your metabolism revs up. In the first trimester, before your blood volume increases, an adequate intake of fluids helps dissipate some of this additional body heat.
  • Pregnancy hormones can leave you constipated. Drinking water improves regularity.
  • Staying hydrated reduces your susceptibility to headaches, dry skin, and complexion problems."

from Program Your Baby's Health by Barbara Luke and Tamara Eberlein


  • Avoid diuretic beverages that flush water out of your body, such as caffeinated coffee, tea, soda pop, alcohol or beer.
  • Drink water at regular intervals throughout the day. Don't wait until you're thirsty. Thirst indicates an already present deficiency.
  • Get in the habit of carrying a water bottle with you. Convenience helps.
  • Drink the purest water available.
  • Make a habit of drinking water. Decide to drink water before every meal. Set objectives for yourself such as drinking water before you leave the house, and first thing upon your return, or before you start work. Take water breaks instead of coffee breaks. Fill a size glass you can finish or gauge yourself by the number of bottles you drink during the day.

Be particularly careful to stay hydrated under the following conditions:

  • Before, during, and after airplane travel. Pressurized cabin air is very dry, so you are more likely to get dehydrated.
  • If you are pregnant with twins.
  • Before, during, and after exercise.
  • In hot weather.
  • If you are experiencing any uterine contractions.